And So it Goes: Newport Beach Film Festival

And so it goes.

In 2023 I wrote a short script (3 pages, 2 actors, 1 location) and my son wanted to direct it. I had a videography gig coming up with some better gear on the way. So I said son, if you can wait until the Sunday after the event, you can use my rented gear and script and make your movie. I made a few phone calls to schedule a secondary location. But for the most part it was me and my 12 year old playing around with a camera and a concept. 

He turned thirteen the next weekend. And wasn’t feeling very well suddenly. My first thought was “oh god my sweet little boy who’s always been very ambitious is getting attacked by teenage angst.” I had terrible visions of a lazy sloth-like creature moping around my house and emptying my fridge. I was not going to stand for it.

And so it goes.

I pestered him about not finishing his movie. And months went by and he still hadn’t felt any better and the movie still didn’t get finished. So one weekend I said, “Son, you will regret the things you didn’t do more than those you did. Now sit here at the computer and finish your job.”

He complained he didn’t feel well. I countered he might feel better after accomplishing something. The boy got pouty. But he sat there. And six hours later, he thanked me for making him do it. He wanted to use a song by an indie band and so I reached out and made arrangements for the rights. He layered in songs that both he and I had written. Then we watched it.

The film was good. Not great, but good. It scared the hell out of his little sister. Then something happened that scared the hell out of me. 

My son was sick. My precious little boy was so sick in fact, he’d never get un-sick. I learned words like maintenance, remission, chronic disease, now effected my family in ways never before experienced. I felt more helpless than newborn in a crib. 

And so it goes. 

We took the finished movie and submitted to several film festivals. Received several rejections, but acceptances arrived from others. 

The short won Best young filmmaker at the Main Street Film Festival at the Esquire (his personal favorite) The film got into the Houston Horror Film Festival, which meant we got to hang out with a good friend who lived down the road. While in H-Town we learned it got into another local festival. Things artistically were very good. Medically, not so much. After turning fourteen, my son started receiving treatment at Children’s Hospital in Dallas. The necessity of money becoming more and more apparent as the days go by. Hard to make a living the legitimate way. As a writer I'm use to doing without much in the way of money. However, Children's Hospital won't take prose in trade for services. 

And so it goes.

Labor day weekend I turned one year older and we learned the little short got accepted into the Newport Beach Film Festival. Shock. Surprise. Joy. I hadn’t seen the boy this happy in a hot minute. I hope those who see my kid’s film and enjoy it. I wrote it and star in it but as far as I'm concerned it belongs to the director. I hope that the treatment works and remission is possible. 

My novel cracked the 100K ranking on Amazon. And it feels good. 

 I wish I could give the good feeling to my son so he feels better. 

Bad days, good days, and all in between...these too shall pass. 

In the meantime, I am staying busy. I've got several projects at various stages of undress. First up, I'm mastering the audiobook performance of Andrew Love, whose deep baritone makes MAYHEM SAM sound as epic as I intended. I'm also helping Theatre Longview's production of MISERY by designing the sound. Going to NYC at the start of October for a paid videography gig. Then two weeks later my son and I will get on a plane and fly to LAX for NBFF. 

I hope more people will pick up a copy of MAYHEM SAM for...reasons. And thanks to everyone who pre-ordered it. Y'all are awesome. 

And so it goes. 



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