Audiobook! Audiobook!

Just finished editing and mastering the audiobook for Mayhem Sam. It took what seemed like forever. Started in June (four days of recording out in my shed with the window unit turned off) and finished in September.

Andrew Love is a very talented performer and I’ve known this since I was 19 years old. Not sure exactly, but somehow we became roommates sophomore year of college. From June 2001 until May 2002. Not even a full year. I wouldn’t trade those 11 months for anything in the world (including a debt free existence) He and I formed a bond and made a plan to continue our partnership into the future. Well…life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. We were both 20 years old with dreams of show business. He ended up in Houston and I found myself all over the place before finally landing for good in East Texas. 

Fast forward to 2023. I’m sitting in the welding shop at the school being the keeper of the bathroom pass. When out of the blue Andrew calls. We get to talking like we saw each other yesterday. His talent led him to over a hundred voice acting credits, while mine led me to a book deal at 39. The book (MAYHEM SAM) was in the final edit stages and I asked if he’d be interested in doing the audiobook. (I’d brought it up before during the initial drafts and expected a gentle no thank you, but to my surprise he said yes)

His performance did not disappoint. Even though the conditions of the sessions were less than ideal. I rigged up a soundbooth using moving blankets and pvc pipe. And it did a passable job but it wasn’t without the labor pains. He literally poured sweat for a total of six days. Reading the book more or less cold. And pulling over twenty unique characters out of the ether. He brought the book to life in a way I’d never imagined. It truly is something to behold. For everyone who stumbled upon it, I believe they will be thoroughly entertained. 

Andrew worked his tail off and I was surprised when he said he wished it wasn’t over. “You need to write another one right now. Something like a noir. It can have horror in it too.”

Well Mr. Love I’ll see what I can do. It was a good time getting the band back together. Especially since no one brings my words to life like he does. Back in 2007 he played the lead in Tall Pines Lodge and did the heroic task of driving back and forth every weekend between Houston and Austin for twelve straight weeks. The show would've gotten picked up by the City Theatre had the cast not been blown to the four winds after closing. But oh well. All the roads have led me here. 

Not sure when the audiobook of Mayhem Sam will go live but it’ll be worth the wait. I promise.

In the meantime, I'm writing another book. Not sure if it's a noir or what. But it's book about kids. I'm calling it my children's book but it probably isn't. Next month I'm flying to both coasts for work and play. Some may know I got a gig doing some videography work in NYC and of course my son's movie is at NBFF. So excited to be doing this kinda stuff. Less excited trying to pay for it. Christmas is coming up and if you've read this to here please consider purchasing your own copy so I can play Santa Claus to my kids. Or don't. Times are tough all over these days. 


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